Sunday, July 19, 2009

Camp Mary White Historical Marker

Six of us from our old Girl Scout troop of 30 years ago!!

We spent this weekend up in the mountains-specifically Camp Mary White which is located on the road to Weed and Sacramento.

We came along with about 50 others for the ribbon cutting on the new Historical Marker.

New Mexico has a new program for Historical Markers that honor women who made a difference for the state. We are very proud to have Mary White recognized this way. Her niece and nephew, Sally and Jack Marsh were there to cut the ribbon along with other local dignitaries such as Beth Mayhill and Miss Mary's cousins. Camp Mary White is no longer affiliated with the girl scouts, but it remains one of the oldest primitive camps in the U.S. Generations of campers have come together to form the Friends of Camp Mary White and preserve the camp as well as update it where needed so it will be available for future campers. The marker reads-" In 1927
"Miss Mary" established one of the earliest Girl Scout camps in America and the first in New Mexico. Situated on 200 acres in Otero County, a stately pine lodge, Ingham Hall, nestles amid cabins and outbuildings of Camp Mary White. Generations of girls who learned stewardship of nature and community at the camp, continue to be energized as activists by Mary White's pioneer spirit." How cool is that?


  1. Thanks Autumn, hopefully someone will see this and find us again! Rip

  2. Oh I wish I had known you were doing this... we are just up the road in Ruidoso!
    I have great memories of attending there as a scout back in the 80's...
    We will definitly make a detour through for some photos!
    Thanks for sharing this!
