If you look closely, you can see the White Sands on the far left of the photo. It was flat miserable yesterday heatwise. It was 104 coming across the basin and if we were standing still I am sure it would have been worse! The clouds are just teasing us and only gracing the mountains with rain. I am grateful for that much, at least they won't burn. Our "monsoon" season keeps getting pushed back. We have had 3 good rains, but none for a couple of weeks and hopefully we will see some this weekend. And thats another thing, we used to just call it the rains or the rainy season, now it is "monsoon."
I remember those hot trips as a kid, with all the windows open. 55 gal. drums of water were along the road so people could fill their boiled out radiators. There was probably a whiny baby in the car too. :-)